Monday, November 27, 2006

Creationists lying to our children again.

An organisation called Truth in Science1 is trying to infiltrate American produced religious propaganda into schools. This isn't particularly surprising as it is in the nature of religions to try to spread their lies and delusions. The disturbing part is that 59 schools are apparently using the material that the Liars To Children sent them.

It is important that this is stopped as soon as possible. You should contact your local school and make sure they are not teaching this rubbish as science.

1 I suppose this is an appropriate name as there certainly isn't any truth in religion


Monday, September 11, 2006

Neal Asher

James Nicoll has a thread about Neal Asher and comments he has made in his blog. Some of the followup comments are from people who have decided not to start reading Neal Asher because of what he says in his blog.

I had already decided to stop reading Neal Asher, whose books I rather enjoy, because of what his blog revealed about his character. The blog was mostly rather banal, but there were a few comments which made me think he is not someone I would like if I met him - worse, he is not someone to whom I want to give my money.

Update: I wrote this some time ago but never posted it.

Say no to 0870

Just discovered, rather belatedly,

Most companies in the UK use non-geographic (0870,0845 and variations) for customer service and other contact numbers. While these are nominally cheaper than a long-distance call, if you have an inclusive minutes package on your landline or mobile, these numbers are usually excluded and therefore cost more than a normal number.

SayNoTo0870 is a resource for finding alternatives to the published numbers.

A great idea.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children.

A couple in Wales have been jailed for not sending their daughter to school. However it is pretty obvious why the girl didn't want to school. The family name is Haine and they appeared to have named the daughter Shlaine. While Shlaine may be a mispelling of a welsh name, it looks more likely that they went to some lengths to find a name which rhymed and which ended in the same letters. If they just wanted rhyming what was wrong with Jane or Shane.

They also called their son Caine.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Identity Crisis

I bought some foreign currency from Thomas Cook the other day, paying by debit card. Not only was I asked to provided identification in the form of a driving license or passport, they also wanted me to write my address on the card slip.

I can think of no good reason why they need this information. The counter clerk claimed it was demanded by my card issuer, but surely a card and a PIN should be sufficient proof of valid access to the funds. Another excuse I have been given in the past (although not on this occasion) is that it is anti money laundering. However, had I paid by cash no additional information would have been requested so it obviously wasn't that.

Apart from the invasion of privacy, this transaction resulted in the creation of a piece of paper containing my card details and my address - prime information for an identity thief. The clerk claimed it was in a secure environment, but I am sure that carelessness by financial services companies and staff corruption are prime sources for the identity underworld.

I am going to follow this up.